People like you deserve to thrown out of America.
I know people who just became citizens who would
kick you ass for such a stupid statement.
doesn't it feel good to not be a jw at this point in history?
through the fear of the last few days, i do have comfort from scripture about my eternal salvation through jesus (as a witness you never felt secure with god--don't miss a meeting or field service for long or you're out), but also because my husband and i can display our american flag on our cars and in front of our house to support our country!.
as americans, we will not stand for terrorism and i'm proud to be in this country.
People like you deserve to thrown out of America.
I know people who just became citizens who would
kick you ass for such a stupid statement.
quick non bombing related question.
i mentioned to my study lady that i have the satanic bible and read it.
she then told me i should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it.
I have been inactive for 12 years now
and have no plans on returning soon.
I still have many freinds in the "truth"
and they remain in touch with me and
respect my way of life now.
When I left Bethal, it was an elder
who hired me into a reputable firm
and gave me the break I needed at the
I have asked him and in my will that he
act as the Minister in the event of
serious illness or an early death.
When people ask me "what religion are you?"
I state thet I no longer associate with
religion, but that if I were forced to
declare one, i would say "Jehovah's Witness"
without hesitation.
Well. I was born into it.
Believed it at the time.
And "took" from it many things
that now mold me as a person today.
If the Watchtower ever reformed itself
I would consider returning.
Like I tell the Brothers and Sisters
when I bump into them..
The Society is made up of many peoples
with alot to offer and learn as well.
It is just to bad that the policies
push people away. If all of the ex-witnesses
were still associated with the witnesses now, it would
be a larger force in the world today and could
do alot in the way of outreach and charity.
If you choose to become a Witness , you can
always choose to leave. But many had to endure
until the age of 18 to leave their parents
I stayed until I was 22. I served at Bethel
and was saddened by the waste of resources
and talent that are wasted om such a sort sighted
purpose and goal.
The Watachtower could become an institution like
Harvard or the Smithsonian.
But it's shortsightedness and and lack of
"being real" in today's world prevent it
to progress to a world class entity
with the respect of its fellow citizens
of the world.
That is why I left, but it pains me
to see that all of my energy and youth
did not make much of a lasting impression
as the Watchtower goes thru members like
a dirty undershirt.
Keep asking questions so that you may
make an informed choice about your involvement
with the local congregation.
P.S. Everyone wants the world to be a better
place, but we need to take advantage
of the moment that had been given us
to make it better.
quick non bombing related question.
i mentioned to my study lady that i have the satanic bible and read it.
she then told me i should get rid of it by either throwing it away or burning it.
The "fine art" on your body can
serve as a vehicle for the demons
as well.
Wait until the demons harass you when you
are alone at night.
Be sure to avoid the garage sells as well.
The three statments above are absurd
and are typical of "Witness Speak".
whats the difference between islam extremists and jehovah's witnesses?.
one group is hopeing to witness the destruction of 99 per cent of the population of planet earth.. the other group wants to take part in it.. radar
Please go visit the litter box
were you belong.
Your cat gas is smelling up the room.
ok this has nothing to do with being a jw or anything of that nature but it is important to me and i need some help:.
here goes i have been drinking rum and coke (bacardi) since i can remember and finally realized that maybe it is contributing to my severly harsh hangovers.
so i went on a quest in search of a new drink.
Drink 2 large glasses of water
before bedtime and get 8
hours of sleep.
Remember though, that hard drinks are
poison to the body.
If you hangovers persist,
you may want to quit drinking
and smoke pot...
to the "inquisition" of these days... that is on may you have peace.. because there seems to be a 'movement' to 'expose' me as false, and judge and condemn me as a 'jezebel' and more... i would hereby like to confess my 'sins' and 'errors'... and repent my actions/inactions... before you... and all onlookers... if you will permit me.
thank you.. i confess... that i am a servant to the household of god, israel, and a slave of christ, by means of an anointing with holy spirit, which i received directly from the person of my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.. i confess... that i have been given the 'free gift' of holy spirit, in the form of hearing spirits, discerning inspired utterances, so that i hear not only the voice of my lord, the but voices of various spirits, so i am able to relate to others that hear, as well as those that do not hear... what the spirit says to the congregation.. i confess... that i have been freely given other 'gifts' of that same spirit, which gifts manifest themselves in me in various ways and which gifts i have not attempted to hide from anyone... man... or god.. i confess... that i have a love for my father and my lord to such an extent that i would subject myself to public humiliation, before all men, bear reproach now... and endure a 'torture stake' for the glory that awaits me, which glory i have nought but faith in, because i have heard of its certainty... and received my 'sealing'... directly from the one the promised such glory, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mishajah.. i confess... that i have agreed to 'repay' my lord for his love and kindness... the undeserved kindness granted me... in the only way that i can... by obeying his voice and going to the household of god, those that go with them, and any others who are 'thirsting' and 'wishing'... and telling them that the same gifts and glories undeservedly afforded me... can be granted to them as well.. i confess... that as a true servant to the household of god, by means of undeserved kindness, i have been granted to know the fruit of my father's spirit that is love... for all of mankind... including my enemies.
a love such it compels me to tell what i hear to those who wish to hear of it, even at risk to my own spirit... whether they hear... or they refrain.. i confess... that contrary to what is 'usual' among so-called professed 'christians' and 'anointed', i have not sought to compel people to follow me, or to join any church, religion or other institution of 'theology', and will not, but instead, have asked and spoken only that any who 'hear'... and any who wish to hear... hear... and follow the voice of the fine shepherd, my lord, the son of god, jaheshua mischajah.... i repent... that i am but mere flesh and blood, a woman, a 'foolish thing' and 'weaker vessel', so that i do not always have the strength to stand against the opposition facing me, although i have wished no harm, no evil, no malice toward any.. i repent... that at times my forehead is not as hard as flint, and my heart is not so protected so as not to feel fright when facing off with my adversary and his agents.. i repent... that i do not possess in me the gifts of the spirit that grant miracles, such that those who do not believe can have the 'scales' removed from their eyes so as to see the things 'unseen', things almost too glorious for me to utter... with their own eyes... rather than simply ask for and be granted the 'free gift' of holy spirit and see for themselves.... i repent... that i do not possess in me the 'perfect' love that would move me to not feel hurt and pain when derided and ridiculed, but be able to say to my father, as did my lord, "forgive them father, for they do not know what they do.
I confess...
Christians are all screwd up,
no matter the sect.
an interesting scripture reminds us to be careful of those that question every good thing that the f&ds does:.
titus 1:10-16 .
"10 for there are many unruly men, profitless talkers, and deceivers of the mind, especially those men who adhere to the circumcision.
I agree with Joel..
Should we summons all the brothers to the
jesus further related in the 15th chapter of john: "nevertheless, i have spoken these things to you that, when the hour for them arrives, you may remember i told them to you.
these things, however, i did not tell you at first, because i was with you.
so, the point is that jesus has not told his anointed ones certain things yet because the hour for them has not arrived.
Your post seems to have touched a nerve
in You Know's little brain.
Of course, You Know must "defend" the
truth as he is Jehovah's special one.
The GB could use this guy to do its dirty
I really think You Know is Demonic, as
his posts demonstrate.
"all things are continuing exactly the same as from creation's beginning" is the thinking attributed to those ridiculers of christ's presence.
because the sign of christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith is not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that the system is nearing its hour of judgment.
in this the 2nd week of august 2001, the evidence steadily mounts that apostate ridiculers of jehovah's word are very badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a very large paddle.
Questions for You Know.
Do you own stocks or bonds?
Do you invest in a 401K?
Are you even concerned about your retirement
and the financing of it?
I once saw a bumper sticker that read..
"Keep working, millions on welfare rely on you."
The welfare roll will soon add some 6 million
unless you JW's wake up and smell the money.
Please respond You Know.
in response to the commonly-repeated myth that all ex-witnesses are bitter angry people with nothing better to do then attack their former religion, i thought we should set the record straight.
where are you in life right now?
are you doing things that you always wanted to do, traveling to interesting places in your free time, making great new friends, generally enjoying life?
The best thing about life after the WT is that you
find happiness that far exceeds that found with
Jehovah Witnesses.
You also do the following..
Get braces for your kid. (I needed them, but dad said,
"the new system will provide")
Keep your home you own. ( Mom and Dad sold in '74 )
Make a decent living and
enjoy the work too. ( Dad still cleans toilets for
peanuts )
Pursue a degree and learn
some great stuff. ( This is something Dad should
do. He is smart and should
share this with others and
perhaps learn in return )
Laugh at the next JW at
your door. ( Now I know why I was laughed
at when I went door to door )
Smoke Pot ( don't tell Dad and Mom )
Do anything you please as
a grown up. ( something the WT does not wany
They prefer that every JW be
like a helpless baby )
Tell You Know and GodRules
that they are bad boys for
being here with us good folk.